Clean: Cleansed Living (eBook)


We are invited to follow in the footsteps of Jesus so that we might become more like Him. Part of the faith journey is experiencing forgiveness as we learn to confess and repent, being cleansed from sin. Also learn how important spiritual accountability is in the process.
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Printed version available through Sonlife: Clean Printed Booklet

Written by Christy Spader and Hannah Cosper

We are invited to follow in the footsteps of Jesus so that we might become more like Him. No matter where you are in this process of Christian maturity, this booklet is designed to help you grow in your own understanding and articulation of your Christian faith so that you might become a mature follower of Jesus who seeks to multiply your life to the glory of God. Clean is part of a series of booklets which are intended to be done in community. Written in conversational sections, the booklets are not specifically designed for individual study although you could use them in this manner. As Jesus often modeled by sitting in dialogue with His disciples, learning often has its greatest effect in the context of community.

Clean Conversations:

  • The Significance of Sin
  • The Conviction of the Spirit
  • Confessions & Repentance
  • Spiritual Accountability
  • Experiencing Forgiveness

These booklets are written for new or growing believers, high school age and older. The concepts give enough meat on the bone to dive deeper as a group.

Two ebook formats available for download: Kindle and ePub (works with all other book reading apps)


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