How do you know you've made a disciple?

Sonlife's disciple-making training takes you back to the model—Jesus Himself—so you can do what He did.

We'd like to welcome our two new presidents!

A Masterful Model

How did the message of the gospel saturate the entire ancient world in less than 30 years without cars, the Internet or smartphones? It spread from person to person as early Christians obeyed Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples.” These believers followed the disciple-making method and model of Jesus, the Master Teacher. As they did, others came to know Him, not just about Him! And they in turn became Christians who discipled others, multiplying a movement.

Jesus' Disciple-Making Process

Jesus knew the people He encountered were at different stages of growth and development, and He intentionally challenged them to move the next level:

Come and See
Follow Me
Go and Bear Fruit

Sonlife’s disciple-making resources, including our 4 Chair Discipling book, help you understand how to apply Jesus’ process to your own ministry, whether you’re a part-time volunteer doing one-on-one disciple-making, a youth pastor leading student groups, a bi-vocational church-planter growing a new ministry, or a full-time minister leading in an established church.

So, what's next for you?

Explore our disciple-making training pathway:



A Disciple-Maker

(starting point)

Go →

Discipleship Ministry


A Disciple-Making Ministry

(stage 2)

Go →

Discipleship Movement


A Disciple-Making Movement

(stage 3)

Go →

Bottom line, [Sonlife] helps pastors become better disciple making leaders, teaching them to think movement and not programs.

Larry Austin – Director of Church Health, EFCA Central District, Ames, IA

Sonlife shaped the structure of my philosophy of ministry by balancing evangelism, building, equipping and multiplying throughout our programs and our calendar.

Jim Barringer – Pastor Friendship Church, Shakopee, MN

Sonlife helped me have a goal of disciple making and a roadmap to reach it. The core strategy of Sonlife works cross-culturally and from generation to generation because it is modeled after the life of Christ.

Bob MacRae – Youth Ministry Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL

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Youth Pastor Summit