Fusion: Short-Term Student Missions
We’re glad you’re here! We believe that beginning a movement of disciple-making among students involves training teenagers to walk by faith and step into the unknown, trusting God as they enter into the lives of people, invest their lives, and multiply the character and priorities of Jesus. If you’ve got a passion for seeing your students grow as disciples and make disciples, we’d love to talk with you about integrating Fusion into your ministry strategy. Thank you for considering the possibility of partnering with us in multiplying disciple-making student ministries, fusing the lives of your students with teenagers in Latin America!
Basic Information
Fusion is a short-term missions experience that strategically partners churches in North America with churches in Latin America for the purpose of multiplying healthy, disciple-making student ministries. As two student ministries are FUSED together for the purpose of making disciples who can make disciples, students from both ministries are challenged and stretched, growing in their faith.
Fusion isn’t a typical mission trip. The primary purpose of Fusion is not to construct a building, lead a vacation Bible school program, or do street evangelism (even though those are all good things). Instead, we ask you and your students to INCARNATE, INVEST and MULTIPLY. We believe this reflects Jesus’ strategy of entering into our world, pouring his life into a few, and reproducing his character and priorities in them. So that’s what we’re inviting you to do: enter into the world of Latino teenagers, invest your lives in building relationships with those students, and help them build a healthy, disciple-making student ministry by multiplying the character and priorities of Jesus in them.
Fusion is as much about developing your student ministry as it is about facilitating the development of a healthy, disciple-making student ministry cross-culturally. Throughout the Fusion process, you will be trained, challenged and equipped to make disciples among your own students, and we’ll work with you to make Fusion an integral part of your disciple-making strategy.
Our vision is to see at least one healthy, disciple-making student ministry in every town, village, and city throughout the Americas (North, Central, and South America).
Our passion is:
- to facilitate long-term partnerships between churches and student ministries in North America and Latin America within which students will FUSE together and be united cross-culturally as they are challenged to be and make disciples of Jesus.
- to train and equip youth workers and teenagers throughout the Americas to live as disciple-makers who will INCARNATE, INVEST, and MULTIPLY wherever they go.
- to come alongside and invest in student ministries throughout the Americas, equipping them with Jesus’ strategy for making and multiplying disciples.
- to facilitate a prayer movement that crosses cultural and racial borders and FUSES the hearts of students in North America with those in Latin America.
- to share Jesus’ strategy of ministry with the churches of Latin America, mobilizing a movement of multiplication by the power of the Holy Spirit among Latino teenagers.
Since 1995, God has consistently used Fusion to raise up new generations of disciple-makers, church leaders, and full-time missionaries to all parts of the world. Thousands of students have stepped out in faith, trusting God to use them in a cross-cultural environment where they’ve had the opportunity to INCARNATE, INVEST and MULTIPLY. God has been faithful, and teenagers in countries all over the world have been impacted by the fruitfulness of the Fusion process.
Next Steps
If you’d like more info about the Fusion process, here are some next steps:
- Watch one or two of the testimonial videos from youth pastors, volunteer leaders and students here!
- PRAY, asking God to reveal if Fusion is something to pursue!
- Contact us and let us know you’re interested!