Disciple-Making Cohorts
Welcome to Sonlife's coaching platform for ministry leaders and led by ministry leaders. What exactly is a Disciple-Making Cohort?
- A small group of 4-12 ministry leaders interested in growing together as disciple-makers.
- Meets monthly or bi-monthly, either in person or by video conference over Zoom.
- Meets for six months and focuses its conversation and coaching on helping each other to implement Jesus’ strategy for making disciple-makers in our ministries.
- Utilizes various resources such as Knowing Him, 4 Chair Discipling or other Sonlife resources as a “module” to begin with.
- Is facilitated by one of Sonlife’s Disciple-Making Staff.
In a nutshell, the Cohort is about implementation. You will discuss and receive coaching (and coach others) to help you build a disciple-making ministry like Jesus did.
Contact a Sonlife Team Member to join a cohort.