Leadership Retreats
Have you ever attended a seminar or workshop and felt overloaded with information? Would you have benefited from more time for actual application and implementation? We recognize our Sonlife seminars are full of information (albeit good information about Jesus and making disciples like Him) however, many times do not allow enough space for you to leave with a plan.
Our Sonlife Leadership Retreats are designed to create space for you to be coached in a way that helps you develop and go home with a plan to BE a disciple-maker, BUILD a disciple-making ministry, and BEGIN a disciple-making movement like Jesus.
The Leadership Retreats are three day training/coaching experiences where you...
- Training in Leadership Multiplication
- Receive “life of Christ” disciple-making training
- Receive coaching for implementation to develop a disciple-making plan
- Build relationships with other ministry leaders who are working to implement Jesus’ strategy for making disciples in their own lives and ministries
Each Leadership Retreat is purposely limited in size so everyone can receive individualized attention allowing for better learning & implementing atmospheres. Come by yourself, with your team or bring a friend whom you are coaching.
Find a retreat near you.