Strategic Focus On The Next Generation with Doug Holliday
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This week we sit down to talk about strategic focus on the next generation with Doug Holliday. We cover Sonlife’s roots as a youth ministry disciple-making organization and how we are refocussing on the prayer of being part of transforming the culture of youth ministry in North America and restoring it to the disciple-making heart of Jesus.
Doug is the Executive Director of Sonlife and serves on the lead team with Concentric which is a global alliance of ministries that provide Biblical leadership equipping based on Jesus’ model and strategy.
Links from the show:
Quotes from the episode:
I want to see Sonlife become a part of transforming the culture of youth ministry in North America, restoring it to the disciple-making heart of Jesus.
– Doug Holliday
– Doug Holliday
Students are cause oriented and what better cause to get their hearts ignited by than the cause of Christ, reaching their generation and sharing Jesus with their friends.
– Doug Holliday
– Doug Holliday